Xbox One Gold games were revealed by Microsoft back in August. Good news for PlayStation Plus owners too, Sony has announced the full roster for PlayStation Plus for this month. The line-up is amazing and includes award-winning titles as well. PlayStation Plus members expected a fantastic line-up of games for September. They were disappointed when they discovered that the number of games will be the same. So, it was now up to Sony to make sure the games they provide for free for the whole month are in line with fan expectations.

Xbox One Gold and PlayStation Plus complete line-up
The complete line-up for Xbox One Gold for September 2016 includes:
1. Earthlock: Festival of Magic (Xbox One, Sep. 1 – 30)
2. Mirror’s Edge (Xbox 360, Sep 16 – 30)
3. Assassin’s Creed Chronicles China (Xbox One, Sep 15 – Oct 15)
4. Forza Horizon (Xbox 360, Sep 1 -15)
As for PlayStation Plus, they will be more than delighted to see what Sony has to offer this month:
1. Lord of the Fallen
2. Journey
3. Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
4. Datura
5. Badland
6. Amnesia: Memories
We personally like the line-up of Sony more than that of Microsoft. Award winning title Journey is what caught our attention the most. Thatgamestudio developed this indie game. The player controls a robed figure in a vast desert, traveling towards a mountain in the distance. Other players can find each other too. Two players can meet and assist each other, but they cannot communicate via speech or text and cannot see each other’s names. The game won several awards. It was praised for its art direction and memorable soundtrack.
What’s your take on the Sony line-up for PlayStation Plus games this September? Let us know in the comments. MobiPicker is your source for news related to Microsoft and Sony games and gaming consoles. Stay tuned for more updates.