The gold line-up for October month include some surprising entries. For those unaware of what Xbox Gold is, it’s basically free games for Xbox Gold subscribers. It’s different every month but totally worth the extra payment. Without further ado, here are the Xbox free games for gold.

xbox free games
via winbeta

Xbox free games for gold on Xbox One – Super Mega Baseball Extra Innings, releasing on October 1st

We loved Super Mega Baseball when it first came out. Suffice to say we will be trying out this cute little game when it comes out for free on October 1st. It’s a fun version of baseball and that shows everywhere in the game. It’s extremely relaxing to play but has a lot to offer to those willing to grind several hours to get some achievements as well.

The Escapists releasing on October 16th (Xbox One)

The escapists may seem like a top-down prison escape game. it’s a nod to those 80s games from the Zed X Spectrum era. However, it plays with the depth and intricacy of the most mightiest of modern games. Escaping from a corrections facility has never been more frustrating yet fun.

Xbox free games for gold on Xbox 360 – MX versus ATV Reflex, releasing on October 1st

This is the latest in the long-running MX versus ATV series. Rainbow knows what they’re doing when it comes to off-road gaming. Here’s your chance to enjoy this racing game if you haven’t played it before. Xbox One players can get into the action too as the game will be available to them via backward compatibility.

I Am Alive, releasing on October 16th

Your city is in ruins. Destroyed cars litter roads that now have gorges carved into them. Crumbling buildings struggle to rise above the twisted rail road track. And the people do everything they can just to survive. I Am Alive successfully established the bleak mode and the effective consequences of your actions. Be sure to check it out when it releases for free later in October.

Let us know what you think of the Xbox Free Games for October.


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