World of Final Fantasy came out a few days ago for PS4 and PlayStation Vita. The game is an old-school JRPG featuring lots of classic Final Fantasy characters and turn-based combat. The title is placed in the world of Grymoire populated by classic Final Fantasy characters and monsters. The game came out as a way of celebrating the series’30th anniversary.


Although the game brims with lots of different playing characters, one new is already on its way. Square Enix announced that Sora, a protagonist of Kingdom Hearts series, will find its way to the World of Final Fantasy.

world of final fantasy demo

Sora will be available as a champion summon, and will be made available as a free DLC. DLC containing Sora should be released during this winter, so a late 2016 – early 2017 release is expected. The most probable date should be early January since Sora DLC was announced in order to promote the upcoming Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8, which should land on January 12, 2017.


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