In his most recent Reddit AMA, Gabe Newell affirmed that Valve is as of now taking a shot at some unannounced items or game. As you may have expected, these games will be controlled by Source 2 Engine. Besides, they might be centered around VR. Also intriguing is that Gabe Newell trusts that Valve will, one day, make Source 2 Engine accessible for free to everybody. And that would be truly fascinating.

Valve is working on something new as indicated by Gabe Newell
The organization Valve appears to have coordinated all their exertion into building Steam over the late years and as it should be. Be that as it may, they have to return to making a few games. All that they ship is gold. In any case, their recent games are excessively few and far between. We’d joyfully take any of their current establishments or even another IP. Simply give us something.
Besides, Gabe said that he experiences serious difficulties from playing the past games that Valve made. This is on the grounds that it helps him to remember every one of the things he laments about how the game turned out. That is exactly how it is with any masterful item. You will dependably think about how it would have turned out had you accomplished something other than what’s expected. A few people can give it a chance to lie more than others. It is a consummately typical feeling in any case.
This is like every one of the general population that were requesting Red Dead Redemption 2. Presently, Rockstar has really given in. Moreover, we are likely going to be stuck playing some insane continuation story as JM’s child in a similar area as opposed to a totally new area/story as it ought to have been. Hopefully, something comparative doesn’t occur with Half-Life 3.
Source: DSO Gaming