Ah, the month of May is here, and it’s bringing with it a slew of powerful games, from AAA campaigns to multiplayer shooters to JRPGs. Clearly, there’s something for everyone. We’ve curated 10 games that have to be on your radar if you intend to spend some of that hard-earned cash on a good game or two this month.

We’ve only included games with official release dates, but platform is no bar, so expect to see all consoles (and PCs!) represented here. Secondly, don’t stress about the order. We don’t yet know which game is better than the other (duh), so we’ve ordered them according to when they’re going to release. Let’s begin with the Top 10 Games for this month!


Release Date: May 3rd
: Windows, PS4, Xbox One


Battleborn comes from veteran developers Gearbox Software, best known for developing Borderlands and Borderlands 2. The game, described as a “hero shooter” by the developers, takes elements from MOBA games and wedges them squarely into the online FPS mold. There are 25 such heroes available, ranging from katana-wielders to bow-shooters to healers, and more. The heroes level up, but interestingly, the level-up system only lasts for the duration of the match.

Surprisingly for an online shooter, there will also be a campaign mode, playable either solo or in co-op and powered by AI enemies. The game will go head-to-head with another stylised, hero-based online shooter coming out this month: Blizzard’s Overwatch. Will the underdog succeed? We’ll find out when it releases on May 3rd.


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