Capcom did state that they’d consider having their PS4 and Xbox One games for the Nintendo switch which is awesome. And we’re not sure about Tekken 7 FR being on the Wii U because of the whole exclusive Tekken Ball. It sounds possible, but shouldn’t we know the hardware inside the Switch first before making any assumptions about Tekken 7 coming to the Switch? Because it could be possible that they have to change some things to make it work.

tekken 7 miguel caballero rojo
via deviantart

Capcom might bring Tekken 7 to the Nintendo Switch

The fact is that the customization mode had missing features that the PS3 and 360 had, the really scrubbish matches that make any Nintendo Wii U owner think Tekken is easy and then he won’t even actually learn the rest of the fighting game mechanics. Oh, did we mention easy access touch screen combos? We are interested in how Nintendo would make the Switch work with Tekken 7 FR but with the display of its functions, it’s really hard to see this thing being played competitively.

Just look at the freaking multiple controller variations. Imagine playing ranked with the Nintendo switch controllers as nunchucks. But who knows. Harada and Michael Murray (or whoever within Namco) might actually surprise us. Then again the Tekken 7 FR VR, whatever it is, might be better than having it on the switch so that’s something to look forward to as well.

If this does end up on the switch, we see it as the Tekken Community growing to more people. And it wouldn’t leave anyone out and we love to see the community grow. One may want to look into any peripherals that Nintendo has contracted with. If they release at the same time, perhaps they’d also advertise for a Tekken controller/fight stick? Anyways, let us know your thoughts in the comments.


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