So, you’re probably wondering how in the world could you possibly walk on the Death Star as Luke. Well, we’ll tell you how to use this Star Wars Battlefront Death Star DLC Glitch. You can walk on the exterior of the Death Star and even jump down into the trenches and run around there.

Star Wars Battlefront Death Star DLC Glitch
We’re going to teach you how to expose this glitch using Luke. And don’t worry because you won’t die for crossing the limits of the map. However, you can’t go too deep into the trench otherwise you start getting “Return to Combat” timer. Also, keep in mind the double XP weekend is happening right now. So, hop onto Battlefront and level up your character fast for new skins and more.
To become Luke Skywalker on the Death Star find the Hero pickup in the trench run. This one rarely works. However, there’s another method that works all the time.
Right at the end of Phase 2, you must get the Hero pickup. Choose Luke Skywalker or whatever hero you want. While the trench run is loading in the background, you pick a hero (which is Luke Skywalker in this case). When you do that while Trench Run is loading, you will spawn as your hero during Trench Run.

You can now roam around freely on the Death Star surface. You can hang back and experience this new Star Wars Battlefront Death Star DLC Glitch. There also appears to be a random glitch that spawns you as a Rebel trooper in Phase 1. We have no confirmed method to replicate this yet. However, we’ll let you know if we do.
Let us know what you think of this Star Wars Battlefront Death Star DLC Glitch. Stay tuned to MobiPicker for more Star Wars related news and updates.