So practically Project Scorpio will be what Steam Box was for Valve. It can just play games from Xbox Marketplace. We feel like this will flop hard. Particularly since it has zero rivalry with the PC by offering no new exclusives. There is totally zero motivation to get it on the off chance that you as of now have a PC. Project Scorpio will be excessively costly for what you get. Yes, the equipment will be great. Be that as it may, in the event that you can just play a small amount of the games contrasted with a PC then it truly is a poor speculation.

Project Scorpio will fall flat for Microsoft like Steam Box fizzled Valve
Xbox One truly lost the ball by giving its exclusives to PC. Presently, we see them diverting their opposition from PS4. Furthermore, offering an intense contrasting option to PC gaming. One with constrained games to play.
With the energy the Xbox One saw July-October in view of the Xbox One S, we anticipated that they would state this was their greatest deals period. No say of that by any stretch of the imagination. Simply a few measurements of what number of matches were played in Gears Of War 4. And how much all the Xbox One Forza game have sold together.
They might not have had the accomplishment amid the Christmas season they were seeking after. Without numbers, this PR talk is useless. As they did all gen. This year they were demolished in deals. This is the truth. Forza and Gears Of War 4 weren’t system sellers.
Source: Xbox News