When you start the No Man’s Sky Atlas Path, it lets you travel to Atlas Stations and collect Atlas Stone. As you collect, you will also get some understanding of the game’s lore. However, many have been left confused about the ending of the game – no pop-up notification, no further instructions on what to do and no clear end in sight after fulfilling the mission.
So let’s help you in clearing the confusion and guide you on where you should go next after finishing the Atlas Path.
Warning: Spoilers ahead.

What exactly is the confusion all about?
When you arrive at an Atlas Station at the end of No Man’s Sky Atlas Path, you get to surrender 10 Atlas Stones that will help in giving birth to a new star. Or, you can choose to walk away and return to the galaxy. If you were expecting to see an ending scene and start with new game plus after giving away all Atlas Stone, you’ll be disappointed. The game has no ending cutscene, neither does it show any description about the ending. You literally don’t know what to do or where to go next after finishing the mission. Whether you give away 10 Atlas Stones or not, you’ll end up in this confusion.
So Where To Go Next?
So the eternal question on every player’s mind now seems to be this – What do I do after finishing the Atlas Path? Does this game have such an abrupt ending? Turns out you just have to follow the path leading to the center of the galaxy or freely roam to the center. Your main goal still remains the same – travel to the center of the galaxy. You can choose to enter black holes, which will allow you to travel a few light years to the center. Black holes warp time and space and when you go through black holes, you will warp over 11000 years forward. This may destroy some parts of your Starship. So taking the black hole route isn’t advised.
So all you have to do after completing the mission is this – enjoy the game and keep on progressing to the center of the galaxy. No Man’s Sky is all about the journey – and not about the destination! Enjoy!