As indicated by a page on Nintendo’s Japanese site, it takes 3 hours to completely charge the Nintendo Switch battery. The non-removable 4310mAh rechargeable 3.7V Lithium-particle battery can be charged by means of the dock or USB sort C connector. While the battery in itself is fairly considerable, the way that the Nintendo Switch will run games at 1280 x 720 implies that more hardware demanding games will deplete the battery speedier than many might want. For instance, a session of The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild on an undocked Nintendo Switch has been accounted for to last around three hours. This could maybe even drop down to 2.5 hours.

Nintendo Switch will take 3 hours to charge completely
This implies the Nintendo Switch battery could take more time to achieve a full charge than it does to deplete that charge amid gameplay. That will be the situation in a few occasions.
Fortunately, it has likewise been affirmed that the Nintendo Switch battery can be charged in a hurry through a USB sort C connector. This will be like the links you presumably use to charge your smartphones and tablets. The undocked Switch, if used to play something somewhat less all out than The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, could keep going to a suggested length of 6 hours.
What do you think about this data? Is the way that the charge time can be longer than the play time baffling news? On the other hand, is 3 hours enough? Tell us in the comments beneath.
Source: Japan