NieR: Automata is one amazing game that offers a variety of content and some of the most brilliant endings. Packed with a well-written story, challenging Combat, and all the amazing twists and turns, NieR: Automata is a complete package of Action and RPG gaming.
NieR: Automata Endings
NieR: Automata has a huge variety of different game endings. Only five of these endings are Proper endings and the rest are a way to get to these proper endings. One of the endings is described as the “True Ending”. To reach down to the True Ending, it is somehow necessary to go through all of the other ones. Why is it necessary to go through all of the endings for the True one? Well, to access the True ending.
There are in total 21 alternative endings. All these endings can be accessed at various in-game points and all of these 21 endings are based upon the actions of the players. In case if you are wondering how to get all of the game endings, you don’t need to look any further. We’ll tell you exactly how can you access all of these endings and eventually enjoy the True ending.
The game endings are mainly divided into two parts. The Main Endings and the Alternative Endings. Main endings are described with the letters from A to E and the alternative endings start from F and end at Z. Lets have a look at all the endings and ways in which you can enjoy all of them.
Main Endings
The main endings are five in total and they are all described in the Letters A to E. Following is the detail about these endings of NieR: Automata.
Ending A: You can enjoy Ending A by beating the game once in Route A.
Ending B: For the ending B, you’ll have to beat the game in the story after finishing the Ending A.
Ending C: You can enjoy Ending C by loading the game from Ending B save point. This will start Route C. You’ll have to select A2 while in the final battle.
Ending D: for Ending D, you’ll have to load the game from Route C. While in the final battle, select 95 During the last battle and you’ll be able to enjoy Ending D.
Ending E: By going through Ending D once again and after seeing the story through both Ending C and Ending D in Route C, you’ll have to accept the POD 042’s request. This will enable you to enjoy Ending E.
Alternative Endings
Ending F: Missions Failed
Here on the Ending F, the mission fails as 95 tries to restore his operating System for the very first time. He runs out of time.
Ending G: Hungry for Knowledge
for this particular ending, you’ll have to leave the mission area while controlling 95 for the very first time.
Ending H: A Mountain Too High
This ending leads to goliath. You’ll have to leave the battlefield when Goliath shows up.
Ending I: No I in the Team
In this particular ending, you’ll have to abandon 95 after defeating the boss in the Copied City.
Ending J: Bad Judgment
In this particular ending of Nier: Automata, you’ll have to eliminate all the religious machines upon your first meet up with them in the vicinity of the abandoned Factory.
Ending K: Aji Wo Kutta
In this ending, you’ll have to eat a mackerel given to you by the Jackass.
Ending L: Lone Wolf
You’ll have to abandon the battleground in the final battle either on route A or route B.
Ending M: Break Time
In this game ending, you’ll have not to help Pascal’s village that’s situated near the Route C.
Ending N: No Man’s Village
This alternative ending of the game involves you to go against all the machines in pascal’s village.
Ending O: Just You and Me
For this ending, you’ll have to abandon the battlefield at the beginning of Route C.
Ending P: Corruption
IN this ending of the game, you’ll have to get fully corrupted with the virus on Route C.
Ending Q: Questionable Actions
While controlling 95, you’ll have to abandon 2B in Route C.
Ending R: Maverick
In this ending of the game, you’ll have to Attack all of the Pascal villagers with A2.
Ending S: City Escape
In City Escape, you must abandon the Devola and popola during the tower sequences.
Ending T: Fatal Error
In this special Alternative Ending, you’ll have to Un-equip the OS Plugin.
Ending U: Debunked
In order to enjoy this ending of the game, you’ll have to Self-destruct inside the Bunker.
Ending V: Wreckless Bravery
In Wreckless Bravery if you want to enjoy this particular Ending, do not in any circumstance hack into the Tower. Instead, you’ll have to wait for the accompanying NPS to die.
Ending W: Broken Wings
In Broken Wings, you’ll have to die during the Intro level in Route A.
Ending X: Time To Relax
In this ending of the game, you must abandon 2B and stop helping A2 as well.
Ending Y: Heady Battle
In order to enjoy the Ending Y fully, you’ll have to fight and defeat the Secret Boss. You must also wait for the Boss to Self-destruct.
Ending Z: Over Zealous
For the final ending, You must kill Pascal with A2 in the very first encounter.