We would prefer Juri to represent the newer SF characters in the confirmed Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite. Juri is a popular character, at least to our knowledge. So it would make some sense to have her in the game. Maybe we can have a team of Carnage & Juri in Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite.

Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite is confirmed and we are excited
On the other hand, there’s another character on our mind as well. Why was C.viper in mvc3? Because she was super hype and super strong and also a new character. But now in MVC infinite? We think charlie should be the one. Why? Because when he was teased at the end of the second SFV trailer, everyone was so hyped. Other than that, charlie is very strong. From both gameplay and story and if you look at his agenda in SF you will see that charlie is only in SF alpha series. And in mvc2, which doesn’t count because that game had so many weirdos. And Charlie is so hype that makes people forget about Juri. Sorry Juri but you’re out.
MVC 2 already had many weirdos and MVC 1 is a bit tricky since he was a secret assist, alongside sentinel. We know charlie was in a few games of MVC. But the thing is that he also had a great story. His story as he changed into shadow and all that were all amazing. And we all have to admit it but we want more and that is our opinion. Who would you like to appear in MVC infinite from SF universe? Other than Juri?
Source: PVP Live