Infinite Warfare Classic Weapons were revealed during a stream this morning. This is a really big and extremely exciting news. Basically, there was a multiplayer stream on Infinite Warfare hosted by Infinity Ward. It was happening for a good part of today. During the stream, Infinity Ward went through the weapons in the game. They also got to the final category of weapons in the game which were only just a recent revelation. We’re obviously talking about the Infinite Warfare Classic Weapons. Basically, these are weapons that are returning to the game from previous CoD titles. It’s a mixture of weapons from previous CoD titles and many of them were revealed recently.

5 Infinite Warfare Classic Weapons revealed
Previously, it was said there will be a total of five classic weapons to unlock as we Prestige. However, we might see more in later DLCs. In terms of how you unlock classic weapons, multiplayer lead for the game clarified that in order to unlock them you must Prestige. When you Prestige, you will receive a Classic Weapon unlock token. You can actually pick and choose what classic weapons you unlock based on the token you receive. If you Prestige once, you can pick any of the 5 from the get-go.
The Classic Weapons include ARX, MacTav-45, TF-141, S-Ravage and M1. Those who will play the game through Beta Access, will be able to see the Classic Weapons. However, you won’t be able to use them. To use them, you will have to wait for the game to release. Most probably, when DLC starts dropping at the beginning of next year, more Classic Weapons will be introduced. Till then, it appears these are the Classic Weapons we’ll have to make do with so far.
Let us know your thoughts about this newly introduced Classic Weapon class in the comments.