Android M Preview 3, the next official build of the mobile operating system by the Internet Giant might be a bit delayed in release. This piece of information was provided by the Android M Developer Preview community on Google+. In the words of the moderator Wojtek Kaliciński they “want this to be a near final release to test your apps on, but we need a little more time to get it out to you.” The Preview 3 was slated to be released late July.

The previous Android M Preview 2 was rolled out Over The Air back in early July. Download links were available around the same time. Considering the M2 as an indicator, the preview will be delayed by about two weeks before it starts hitting preview devices. The Moderator hasn’t provided any specific timeframe and also refrained others from speculating about a date.

Apparently Google appears to be working hard at making it the best preview, while also ensuring that it is as close to the real stuff as possible. The availability will be announced on the same community and on +AndroidDevelopers as soon as it is ready, says Kaliciński.