It’s the first weekend in the month of August, and it’s time for Xur to return in Destiny, selling his exotic wares to one and all. This time around, he can be found in Tower North, right next to the Speaker. Keep reading to find out what he’s got in store for you this time around.

Destiny Xur

Xur has: No Backup Plans (Titan Gauntlets, 13 SC), Graviton Forfeit (Helmet, 13 SC), Apotheosis Veil (Warlock Helmet, 13 SC), Zhalo Supercell (Auto Rifle, 23 SC) and the Exotic Primary Weapon Engram (31 SC). Apart from these goods, he also has the Plasma Drive Weapon Upgrade (23 SC), the “Emerald Coil” Vehicle Upgrade (23 SC), Heavy Ammo Synthesis (1 SC), Three of Coins (7 SC), Glass Needles (3 SC, 3 Motes of Light, 1 Exotic Shard) and Motes of Light (2 SC each).

The No Backup Plans has an ability that lets you use a shotgun to kill trigger Force Barrier and Force Barrier’s duration is increased. Graviton Forfeit grants you shadestep, while the Apotheosis Veil causes immediate regeneration of your health, melee and grenades when you activate your Super. The Zhalo Supercell causes arc projectiles to have a chance to chain lightning when enemies are close together.

What are you getting from the Agent of the Nine this time around in Destiny? Let us know in the comments below.


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