There’s a secret room located in the final boss room. Once you defeat the boss, you can find this secret room. However, it is guarded by a laser grid. So, what is this Destiny Rise of Iron Secret Lazer Room Mystery? Here’s what we know so far.

Destiny Rise of Iron Secret Lazer Room Mystery
For those who don’t know how to find it. After you defeat the final boss, turn around and look to where the safety platforms are. On the right-hand side, if you jump over the railings, there’s a platform. From there just follow the path straight down to the laser room. To deactivate the lasers, you need to find monitors. One monitor is right there next to the Destiny Rise of Iron Secret Lazer Room Mystery.

Currently, there is no solution to get past the laser grid. If you’re a Titan, you can try to glitch through the laser grid. However, then you can’t open the chest. So, that will be fruitless.
Monitor locations
So, back to deactivating the laser grid. The second monitor is in the Vulsic Boss encounter. Go to the front left room and look up into the shaft with the fan. Jump through the blades of the fan and you can get into the tunnel. Follow it till the end and you will come across the monitor.

The third monitor is located after the Vulsic Boss encounter. It’s in the jumping puzzle. Go straightforward just like before, only this time keep a look out to your right. You will notice a little path hidden in the darkness. You can get in there with a little jet boost. Now here’s the tricky part. You need to get on top of the beams in the room you eventually enter. This will require some really good jumping skills. Once you get to the very top, you will notice one of the beam lead you through a very narrow corridor. Just follow this path to the second monitor.

Fourth monitor
This one is found after the Siege Engine encounter. When you defeat it, instead of running off from the front, jump from the back. Stand on the pillars at the very edge of the broken road. Look down and you will notice a plate bulging out. Shoot it and it will reveal another path. Jump into there to get to the third monitor.

All that is remaining is the last monitor. So far, nobody in the Destiny community has been able to find it yet. We’ll update this guide once we find it.
Let us know what you think of this Destiny Rise of Iron Secret Lazer Room Mystery.