Want some Clash of Clans free gems? Head on over to the Clash of Clans movie poster competition. Submit your very own poster before September 23 to win gem rewards.

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via clashofclans

Get Clash of Clans Free gems by making a movie poster

“For this competition, the goal is to make a movie poster! It can be a spoof off a real movie, or something totally original. Work needs to be your own and not copied from somewhere.
If you use graphics or backgrounds from other artists, please be sure to give them credit in your post!”

You have till September 23 to send your movie poster to the site. Consequently, moderators and staff will pick top 15 and those will feature on the Facebook page of Clash of Clans. In conclusion, top 3 will win gem rewards and bragging rights.

Finally, here is the exact amount of gems for each position:

1st place: 3000 gems

2nd place: 2000 gems

3rd place: 1000 gems

All movie posters needed to be submitted on the official Clash of Clans free gems message thread. One entry per person and the work must be your own. If you use some artwork from another artist with their permission, credit that artist.

If you are looking for a good starting source for graphics / assets please check this thread. It was zipped in 2014. However, it should be a great starting point for your creativity. And if you don’t know how to upload photos to the forum, check out this thread.

We’ll keep you updated with more Clash of Clans free gems news and updates. Supercell recently clarified their Fair Play policy in a comprehensive FAQ. They warned anyone who had bots or hacks installed. To avoid getting banned you should uninstall third party software. Fans have rebuked Clash of Clans developer for going overboard with their fair Play policy. Stay tuned to MobiPicker.


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