A Reddit User Has Found Locked Weapons In The Game Files + A Dealer. We hope they do bring new weapons like classics in infinite warfare and they back pay you a token per prestige. It would be fun especially since a lot of people have already played with every weapon in the game a lot.

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered has a hidden weapon that will probably be added in future supply drops by Activision
Most of the weapons are just weapons from older CoDs. What’s interesting though is the Kamchatka is an automatic shotgun that we haven’t seen in any CoD before. Also, the shovel also has many different versions of the same model, the other names are Bayonet, Blade, Bottle, Paddle, Icepick, Shovel. They all have a “(temp)” next to their names so it seems other melee weapons were, or are planned.
At some point in the development cycle, they were planning on implementing a variant system or some kind of supply drop system. We think they decided to scrap this once everyone was complaining about BO3 supply drop weapons and such and they just didn’t bother taking it out like they do with some stuff every year. Although there is still the possibility of them adding things in December or so.
Melee Weapons absolutely ruin Call of Duty. It defeats the purpose of it being a fun and frantic gun on the gun game. This was something players found heavily disappointing in Black Ops 3 and will be heavily disappointed if it returns in Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered or any future Call of Duty including Infinite Warfare.
It does confirm its a heavy thought (having the dealer stuff in there, something AW didn’t have and it’s on their engine) and as such, we should take it seriously. We saw how with BO3 it went from a cosmetic to guns that were flat out broken. So any addition at all should be combatted. You can check out the game files on Pastebin.