Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is not a bad game, but it isn’t a great game either. Everyone had such strong and negative opinions about the setting the second they announced it, so no surprise the story and setting didn’t win them over. Physical sales of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare in the US during November were roughly half that of Black Ops III last year, according to new data.

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Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare sales are not doing so good but no one is really surprised

They got some things right with certain aspects of the game. But the map designs and spawns just encourage random close quarter brawls and make it impossible to predict enemy locations. Basically, a brainless brawl that isn’t very enjoyable and the low ttk isn’t helping either. This is not Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare at all and that’s why so many people refunded the game. The people working at IW lost their direction on how to make maps ever since Ghosts.

Seems to us like the game was essentially scaled back when AW wasn’t received well and they were already in development with IW. They knew BO3 was going to be ok since it wasn’t too space heavy. But the continual vocal frustration of playing future shooters (with the market so saturated by them) forced them to tack on COD4 as a hail mary. Their next game won’t be futuristic if they spend even 5 seconds looking at customer feedback.

The level design doesn’t really make use of any of the aspects they “introduced”. Because Titanfall used wall running and double jumping first. But still most did enjoy the close quarters engagements in the MP, but Titanfall 2 did it better. The point we are trying to make is that Infinite Warfare was doomed from the start. Because no one was willing to give it a chance. Everyone went in with this idea that, “It’s not COD”. So regardless of how good the game was, it wasn’t going to sell well. And seeing how the only way to get Modern Warfare Remastered was to buy the full eighty dollar game, wasn’t doing them any favors for trying to get people to buy it.


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