Blizzard keeps on prodding Overwatch’s new hero. They do this by refreshing the test domain variant of the game. Yet a character named Efi Oladele, a few days prior, a post on the Overwatch blog appeared to recommend that the following playable Overwatch character may not by any stretch of the imagination be Doomfist all things considered.
Blizzard Teases New Overwatch Character In The Game
There look like no less than two indispensable alterations to the Numbani outline. Moreover, the essential goes in close vicinity to the main space for the assaulting bunch. Furthermore, there, you can see the consequence of the ambush that was covered in an artificial news report Blizzard shared on their Facebook page.
As indicated by the inscription that was appended to the photograph, it peruses. “[BREAKING] OR15 protection units wrecked in a showdown with unidentified aggressor at Numbani air terminal. No regular citizen losses detailed”. We’re certain that there are a few pieces of information covered up in the picture that may uncover more clues with regards to the character’s personality.
Other fan hypothesis includes a four-legged robot called Anchora. It has shown up out of sight of a few trailers. A 4chan post, which effectively released the news about the Lunar New Year occasion, loans belief to this hypothesis. This is because the post says the following character would be “a female omnic quadruped.”
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